Chapter 1

The tavern was dimly lit, smoke swirling around the ceiling above the people, creature and being alike, who were chatting to each other or sipping their drinks quietly. In one corner of the tavern sat one figure in particular, quietly sipping his ale as he observed the goings-on in the tavern. His body and head was covered by a hooded cloak which prevented anyone discovering his true identity, save for his eyes, which were visible through the darkness of the hooded cloak; a deep blue in colour and looking slowly from left to right as the figure observed.

Suddenly the people in the tavern became quiet as a group of loud voices was heard outside. The front door them slammed open and a group of demons walked in, joking and laughing as they walked up to the bar.

"Hey! Some ale 'ere would be nice!" One of the demons, a tall bovine demon barked to the barmaid; a casually dressed feline. Not thinking to argue with the creature before her, she quickly poured 4 glasses of ale and handed them all, the demons then taking the glasses and downing the contents in more gulp. It was then that one of the staff in the tavern, a fox being, accidentally bumped into one of the demons. Turning round to face the waiter, the demon kangaroo snarled at the fox.

"What do you think you're doing?! Stupid being" the demon growled, throwing the waiter across the room, who smashed through the table the hooded figure was sitting at and spilling his drink. Observing this, the hooded figure rose to his feet and walked over to the group of demons, tapping the kangaroo on the shoulder.

"Excuse me" the figure said in a calm voice, his blue eyes locked onto the kangaroo, who then turned round and eyed the figure with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah? What do YOU want?" the demon asked flatly.

"I do believe you owe that man an apology and a drink for myself" the figure answered, his voice still calm as he spoke. Hearing this, the group of demons laughed at the figure before them.

"Yeah, whatever being, I owe you nothing" the kangaroo sneered, slightly surprised that what he considered to be a "lowly being" was being so brave, either that or stupid. Hearing the demon's answer, the figure smirked underneath the hood.

"Ok then, you and me; outside" the figure said bluntly, pointing towards the front door. Chuckling, the demon accepted the figure's proposal and walked out through the front door into the night outside, the other demons and the hooded figure following suit. The demon and the figure's short conversation had not gone unnoticed either, as the other people in the tavern quickly moved to the windows and the doorway to watch what would happen.

"Heh, I'll admit you've got guts, being" the demon chuckled, cracking his knuckles as he opposite his foe. The figure said nothing, instead raising a hand, a fingerless glove fastened on it, and beckoning the demon with a finger.

Outraged that a Being was acting so calm and almost somewhat cocky towards him, the demon growled and suddenly advanced, bringing a clawed hand back to make the first attack. Seeing this, the hooded figure calmly reached to his side and unsheathed a katana, the blade glowing a deep blue. It was then the figure leapt forward with immense speed, throwing the demon somewhat off-guard. The sound of a sword cutting through air was then heard, following by the groans of the kangaroo demon as he collapsed on the floor, his life stripped from him.

Seeing this, the other three demons then advanced, anger written all over their faces as they rushed forward at the hooded being who had killed their comrade. Holding the katana tightly in his hand, the hooded being took a defensive stance and readied himself. The large bovine demon as the first to attack, bringing his clawed down towards the figure's head. A roaring of pain was then heard from the bovine as the figure quickly brought the blade up into a rising slash, severing the demon's hand from his arm, before bringing the sword down again, cutting through the creature's torso, killing him instantly. The figure would not have time to rest as the next demon, a feline with black and white marking, brought his claw forwards, aiming for the warrior's chest. A loud clang was then heard as the demon's claw collided with the side of the blade. Smirking slightly, the hooded figure then pushed the demon away slightly, before executed a horizontal slash, the blade slicing through the demon's midsection as the creature collapsed to the floor.

Looking at the dead bodies of his fallen comrades, the third demon, a grey-furred canine, was instantly overcome with fear. To him this was not possible; the figure before him had just defeated three demons and had hardly broken a sweat.

"If I were you, I'd flee and never return" the figure said, before lifting back his hood to reveal himself; a white furred wolf with black spiky hair, his blue eyes piercing into the demon's with a fiery seriousness to show that he was far from joking. Not arguing with the warrior one bit, the demon turned and fled in fear, leaving from the town and vanishing into the night.

Sheathing his katana, the wolf turned to the people stood at the doorway of the pub, his mouth curled up into a slight smile.

"Now, how about that drink?" the wolf said, before putting the hood back over his head and walking back into the tavern.

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